Garry Disher, The Way It Is Now

And he’s done it again. Not just a gripping story but also a beautifully written one. Disher has a talent. He can capture small town Australia with all of its nuance and tension. His ability to develop complex and layered characters is outstanding and the way that he weaves a story grips me every time. He is simply a great talent and I can’t help but think that he must spend his spare time sitting like a fly on the wall in country police stations, watching interviews and processes, documenting the tilt of a head and the pain on a face or the way suspects move in their chairs. This particular tale has added to it the deep tension between a father and two sons and the mystery of a mother disappeared. The book opens with this and the thread continues to its end. There is also a fragile humanity to these characters which reminded me of my own vulnerability – not just personally but also within the context of my relationships with others and specifically within my own family.

This is a great read for the summer!

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